Raku Pot Firing
What is Raku? Well, it dates back to the ancient Japanese Tea Ceremonies.
Pots are quick fired in a kiln to around 1000°c for around half an hour or under, they are then taken out of the kiln with tongs and placed in sawdust and other combustible materials where they are allowed to burn.

At this point, the process can be manipulated and changed allowing you to really be part of the firing process. With no two pots coming out the same,  nature and the elements always have the final say! The whole firing process is over in around only half an hour, with a finished pot glazed and ready to take home.

Scrubbing off the black carbon to reveal the final work is a mystery, like opening an unknown present.

Some are deprived of air after ignition (called a reduction chamber) which starves the flames of oxygen, the fire looks for an alternative ignition which it finds in pulling out the oxides that are of a high content in raku glazes, white glazes are sprayed with water to produce a blackened crazed affect, with different combustible materials producing different effects and carbonising along with so many other firing techniques such as slip resist and Naked Raku (don't worry, you won't be asked to strip!) to experiment with it can become a very addictive process.

Night Firings, and small groups Available please go to "Pricing" for more information.
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